Across the spectrum and throughout the life span
Autism Speaks is committed to making 2023 the "Year of Kindness" for people with autism, with a bold goal to achieve one million acts of kindness, big and small.
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See our 2023 Advocacy Priorities
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Together, there's no limit to what we can do.
With every step you take and every dollar you raise, you help enhance lives today and accelerate a spectrum of solutions for tomorrow.
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Too often people think that non-verbal people don’t have anything to say because they can’t speak, but that is so far from the truth.
Read Leilani M.'s Story

My hope is that my family and I can inspire other people to get involved and make a difference in whatever way they can. I believe in what we are doing and feel fortunate to be a part of it.
Read Greg and Julie Y.'s Story

What inspired me to really step up my donations was the Autism Cares grant program. Anything I can do to reduce the burden on other families in similar situations, I will do.
Read Lisa H.'s Story

With close ties to the autism community and passion for giving back, Colleen decided to get involved with Autism Speaks after seeing a friend’s social media post promoting a gala in her home state of Georgia.
- Dr. Stephen Shore